By Aaris A. Schroeder Editor-In-Chief
ALTWELL and their CBD-brand is becoming a household name in my home and with UBO MAG! Upon receiving our second package of products to enjoy and share with you all, we were immediately excited to find ALTWELL Gummies that offer Broad Spectrum Hemp Extract, a Sports Stick with CBD and ALTWELL Tinctures to help calm your nerves to share with you all. If you have not had a chance to view the previous review of ALTWELL who has been taking the CBD business world by storm, you can read the review here. Just as a little brush up on their history, ALTWELL, a Southern CA, Benica-based business was founded by the Pickett Family who is widely known for their Muscle Milk brand; an established food and beverage company that has historically specialized in protein shakes and has sponsored famous athletes and fitness gurus

I welcomed my ALTWELL Box. Image by Aaris A. Schroeder
over the decades. The Pickett Family teamed up with Karena Dawn who is the founder of Tone It Up who provides nutritional advice, work outs through her app and now can provide CBD products that can be paired with an active lifestyle, mindfulness and well-being. “For generations, our family has been creating products to promote and support healthy, active lifestyles. We took that expertise into the world of CBD by crafting a line of honest and simple products to help keep your mind clear and body balanced. Stay Well.” Says the ALTWELL family to its customers. It is all about the ALTWELL CBD GUMMIES! These tasty little gumdrops come in two flavors: Tropical and Yusu Citrus. Both are luscious and delicious. Slipping one into my mouth, I immediately will taste the flavors (they both taste tropically to me but in different ways). My favorite, Yusu is an Eastern Asian citrus fruit which originated in China and grew down into Japan around 1300 years ago and has a tart, fragrant flavor that is more like grapefruit than lemon which is what the fruit looks like. Just pop one or two (the package says to take one) of these little gummies about 15-30 minutes before bedtime and enjoy sinking into sleep. Each drop is packed with antioxidants, 25 mg of CBD and 3 mg of Melatonin to help lull you to sleep while using Monk fruit and cane sugar for sweeteners along with all-natural coloring by the root, Turmeric. The taste is amazing and will help you get some shut eye. Our family enjoyed this bedtime treat for sure.

Look how beautiful ALTWELL packages their personalized boxes! Image By Aaris A. Schroeder
The ALTWELL Tinctures were a nice surprise and really can be used in a variety of ways like adding to your coffee, tea or smoothie in the morning, adding a dropper full to your salad dressing at lunch or taking the dropper straight to your mouth. The liquid is made of either 10 mg or 25mg of broad spectrum hemp extract and comes in Mint or Lemongrass of which I was able to try and in addition when available, Pineapple, Honey Ginger or flavorless. Simply let a dropper full fall into your mouth below the tongue and let it sit for 10 seconds, then swallow. The tincture is made to help balance mind and body, offering comfort and eases anxiety and stress. ALTWELL offers a variety of CBD products that are meant for an active mind and body to help ease and release stress and pain. For those who put a good workout in and suffer from muscle aches or have bodily joint pain or even sciatica, chronic headaches, neck or backaches will love ALTWELL’s Sport Stick. This full spectrum hemp flower extract stick is packed with 500 mg of CBD and promises to help you in your recovery routine. There is no-touch required, simply rub the balm which is in stick-form to the area that is in pain and feel the relief within minutes. Whether you are using it to cure sore muscles from a good workout or hike; tending to a bad neck you slept on wrong or joint pain which can ail us as we age, ALTWELL’s Sports Stick does the trick. What is great is that ALTWELL also allows customers to subscribe and save whether you want your products sent out monthly or every two months.

Image of ALTWELL Product Selection. Image By Aaris A. Schroeder
ALTWELL has got you covered with all your needs when it comes to pain relief, a sense of well-being and a way to lend a hand in centering yourself. ALTWELL even has nifty packages like their PMS Kit which includes ALTWELL Gummies and Tincture to balance the mind and body and the ALTWELL Facial Serum (read our last review about this product) to soothe the mind and body; in addition to their Gift of Glow Kit, Wellness Warrior Kit, Recovery Kit and their basic Intro Kit which helps you to try a little bit of everything. So, for all of you that have troubles meditating or finding time for yourself, pick up a package from ALTWELL which will help you on your way to becoming a more mindful and self-aware person. Visit their website today to see all that they have to offer!

Altwell Branded Items. Image Provided By Alex Everakes EFG :: Entertainment Fusion Group
Links ‘N Things ALTWELL Official Website ALTWELL-LinkTr.EE Free Sample!! Social Media ALTWELL on Facebook ALTWELL on Instagram
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