By Aaris A. Schroeder Editor-In-Chief Michael Carter AKA Fresno, CA-based emcee BluEyez has vowed to make big changes in his life, starting with maintaining his sobriety and taking care of his family. He also wants to uplift his community; including the youth, with positive messages that can be heard on his new album, “Long Road Home” which features well known artists like X-Raided, Fashawn, Kontraban, G-Killa, Sophia Ruby and more all over Northern CA from Sacramento to The Bay and Central Valley. So it is no wonder that Sunday, January 17 BluEyez decided to invite the youth to Melody Park in Fresno where him and his crew set up shop at 11 am to shoot a music video for, “Struggling Youth.” Local families and those that BluEyez and his crew have networked and connected with came through with their kids in an effort to bring the people together despite COVID-19, focusing on health and wealth by offering free lunch of pizza, water and sodas to all present.

Michael BluEyez & Dr. Ink B.T.S. (Behind The Scenes) Artist Interviewer. Photo By TME Visionz

Emcee G-Killa in pensive thought. Photo By TME Visionz

Michael BluEyez Family. Photo By TME Visionz
“You can’t change the world unless you change your own condition first. I wouldn’t have spent 20-years in prison if I would have had better role models. I’ve developed strong positive relationships in my city since I’ve been home. All of us have bonded through Hip Hop and now we want nothing more than to influence our youth with real music; inspiring dreamers to become dream chasers.” Says BluEyez who has vowed to make a difference since leaving prison. The song itself is about encouraging the youth to make good decisions in life and that there are other ways to do things, to stay positive and on a path that is safe and leads to success. The scenario that the video captivates is an image of youth, having a good time with each other and their families. Coincidently, BluEyez & G-Killa saw a group of young skateboarders and invited them to join the video in-process. The skater-kids were more than happy to kick a couple flips and ollies as a backdrop for TME Visionz (Through My Eyes Visionz), the film crew on set, while BluEyez & G-Killa ripped their bars into the camera. Also present and featured in the video shoot was Hip Hop Seen TV On-Air Personality Sofia Ruby who is also talented R&B singer, YGNeggz (Tukaveli Recording Artist), Ryant Grice (rapper), Nanners559 (Artist Management) who came out to support BluEyez and represent their own. “The music video shoot was a success. ‘Struggling Youth’ is a song that we hope motivates and inspires the youth to become better in life. I believe we did that with this music video, thank you to everyone involved in the making.” G-Killa, who is featured in the song, remarks.

Father & Son: Michael BluEyez & Michael Scott Carter II Photo By TME Visionz

One of the many children in the video shoot. Photo by TME Visionz.

Sophia Ruby smiles under her mask. Photo By TME Visionz
BluEyez has already released two videos for his, “Long Road Home” album, an ode to his freedom from prison and promise to make a difference in the world with his music and in his life. “All of Us Been Hustlin’ (Feat. X-Rated)” is a song that is inspirational for those who struggle in life be it finances, family issues, addiction and other life situations that cause or are caused through stress. BluEyez hopes people find hope to do better and make decisions that help them in life. “Dys-Educated (feat. Everywhere)” is the other video released on this album. This song suggests how powerful role models can be and when negatively influenced. BluEyez wants to be a role model through his music and lyrics he spits. “We are social, it’s how we learn but there comes a point when it’s time to wake up. We need healing in the streets.” BluEyez expresses when reflecting on “Dys-Educated (Feat. Everywhere). For those who are from Fresno or the surrounding areas, please get involved with BluEyez and his efforts to uplift the youth and be a positive influence within the Hip Hop community and for everyone else, please show support and pick up “Long Road Home” available at popular online platforms.

G-Killa & Michael BluEyez Rockin’ The mike, shooting the video & Feeding the Kids. Photo by TME Visionz.

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Michael Blueyez- All of Us Been Hustlin’ (Feat. X-Raided), (Directed by: Blueyez and Shawn Eff)” This is a film to push awareness on self-control, inner- strength, and self-development.” Says Michael BluEyez. #michaelblueyez #allofusbeenhustlin #xraided #blocstarevolution #relentlessvisionentertainment
Michael Blueyez- Dys-Educated-(Feat. everywhere). “A dysfunctional education is what we are given by our dysfunctional role models. We are social, its how we learn. But there comes a point when its time to wake up. We need healin’ in the streets.” says Michael BluEyez.
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#onairpersonality #dreamers #TukaveliRecords #realmusic #RyantGrice #Park #success #MichaelBluEyezCarter #sacramento #hiphop #ubomag #encouraging #aarisaschroeder #ubomedia #TMEVisions #blockstarrevolution #positivity #ubomedia #TukaveliRecordingArtist #LongRoadHome #hiphop #skateboarders #positivemessages #ubomagazine #sanjose #NorCal #positiverelationships #MusicVideo #blocstar #DysEducated #Nanners559 #gooddecisions #Kontraban #uboent #SophiaRuby #longroadhome #Fashawn #skaters #rolemodels #ubomag #youth #Allofusbeenhustlin #BlockStar #ThroughMyEyesVisionz #MelodyPark #October2020 #zraided #BluEyez #inspiring #captivating #Fresno #allofusbeenhustlin #MichaelCarter #YGNeggz #newalbum #COVID19 #kids #influence #album #HipHopSeenTV #HipHopSeenTV #XRaided #hiphop #pizza #positive #NorthernCA #bayarea #CentralValey #family #relentlessvisionzent #inspiration #Children #relentlessvisionz #uboentertainment #relentlessvisionzentertainment #DysEducatedFeatEverywhere #GKilla