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CUREVANA delta-8-THC Soothes The Mind and Body


By Stephen “Slyide” Wood Staff Writer & Lead Marketer for UBOENT Slyide Entertainment (Production/Marketing) We love CBD over here at UBO MAG, if you did not already notice, we have reviewed another line, ALTWELL in the past. Now we are giving another cannabinol business, Curevana who makes delta-8-THC a chance since one of our reviewers, Slyide is in love with their products; more below!

I consider myself a 4:20 advocate and a weed connoisseur therefore you must of imagined the moment when I ran across the Curevana delta-8-THC brand at my local smoke shop in Ashland, Virginia. For just $30 for an 1/8-ounce, $40 for a quarter-ounce and $60 for a ½-ounce, it was worth checking out. A little bit about delta-8-THC if you do not already know; this is a psychoactive cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant which helps with nausea, anxiety, helps to increase appetite, pain relief, protection of nerve cells against damage, degeneration or impairment. The chemical, one of 400 chemicals that naturally occur in cannabis is a minor cannabinoid and is available in small concentrations. Basically, when THC is stored for a period of time it degrades into delta-8-THC and commercial growers are able to isolate and extract the chemical through selective breeding. When you smoke or ingest this chemical it binds to your CB1 receptors in your central nervous system. Enough about the science, let us return to our products at Curevana. The flower and edibles are top notch and the vape cartridges are potent. Curevana was so kind to send a grinder, two-ounces of flower, a vape cartridge, pre-rolls and some edibles to enjoy and review here at UBO MAG. The flower itself, which is quite large, has a very good nose; aromatic and smooth to smoke.

The grinder is something else! It has four chambers and is quite amazing. The vape cartridge is compact and potent. They also sent me a vape battery which was kind and it charges quickly, pulling hard so smokers get the most out of their vape pen. The pre-rolls are good for any smoker’s circle or smoking party and are ready to light, pleasing your guests straight from a resealable package.

The edibles have a punchy taste which is very amazing. I could not tell the difference between the delta 8 Gummies and any other gummy like Haribo Golden Bears or Black Forest Organic Gummy Bears, so if you are not into overtly smelling of cannabis gummies, you are in luck, offering a delightful body high you get from them that is super relaxing.

Curevana is offers a very peaceful and calming treat to indulge and unwind with. Very sensual and very chill. For those moments you just want to prop your feet up and unwind. I highly recommend Curevana products for even the most stressed and overwhelmed individual which I can self-relate to since I produce and promote everything I carry out in my career as a music producer by myself. This product is largely why I’m able to keep my sanity, so get yourself some Curevana. If it is not at your local corner store, check them out online where you can purchase their products.

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