Product Review
Product: Tagur Footwear
Name of Creator: Wesley
Location: Burlington, VT

Creator, Wesley is going world-wide with these awesome shoes for artists. -- Photo Courtesy of
By Aaris A. Schroeder
March 30, 2007
Tagur Footwear; created by Burlington, VT artist/shoe designer Wesley, is one of the hottest new creations out there, taking the concept of a blank slate and allowing artists to develop their own look on a stylish sneaker is not new to the field of expression where artists are concerned but is a new idea to the masses when it comes to purchasing a shoe that allows this process to occur for that specific purpose.
“These shoes will hold any ink, dye, paint, stencil, etc [that] you apply to them. There are no logos on the sides because we promote expression over the brand and want to provide the most space to create as possible,” says Wesley.
Using sneakers as the stage similarly to walls, trains, busses and buildings – Tagur Footwear brings the urban artist something to make uniquely their own that he or she can utilize everyday and represent their own style.
Different artists such as MarsOne at, Thinkmule available through, Chuck Anderson of No Pattern whose website is very interesting and Gene Starship and DSTRBO of The Heavyweight Crew whose website has people talking have each contributed to ‘arting’ up Tagur Shoes and are not alone. There are many other artists whose artwork is viewable at the Tagur Shoes website.
“What stands out about you?” Wesley asks urban artists.
Artists can purchase blank shoes and then begin spraying, airbrushing, painting, stenciling, whatever it is that expressionist does to the shoes to make them unique their own.
Available in male sizes 8, 11.5, 12, 13 and 14, Tagur Footwear is available in all-white, white with gold etching or black with gold etching for your creative experience.
According to Wesley, he will be getting smaller male sizes soon. Locally, purchase Tagur at UnitedState on 24th between J and K St.
For more information on how to purchase a pair of these innovative shoes, contact or check out their MySpace page to learn more,